<p>I am in Seattle. Things are great. The food is good, the coffee is amazing (more on that in a different post) and the weather is not nearly as bad as people say.</p>
<p>After yesterday's state of the union there is so much I could be writing about right now. But what moved me to post? Canned black olives.</p>
<p>I got out of [l:http://www.8limbsyoga.com/namaste.htm|yoga] (more on that later too), decided I would get a burrito from [l:http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&sll=47.531175,-122.297635&sspn=0.181273,0.457993&q=burrito&near=325+Summit+Ave+E,+Seattle,+WA+98102&latlng=47621162,-122325283,3422914798725955331|Bimbo's Bitchin Burritos] about a block or so from yoga and a few blocks from home. I had the Nomeato Burrito. It was pretty good, on par with say….[l:http://www.burritoville.com/burritoville/home.htm|Burritoville] but it had canned black olives in it. To me, canned black olives are like… I was going to say pencile erasers soaked in salt water, but that's not really it. I just don't understand those [l:http://www.foodservicedirect.com/index.cfm/S/5/CLID/88/N/88252/Bell-Carter~Lindsey_Olives_-_Black_Pitted_Ripe,_Black_Sliced__Ripe.htm|slice black olives] when there are [l:http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/products/specialty/olives.html|such wonderful olives] out there.</p>
<p>Next time, no black olives for me.</p>
Does anyone really like black olives from a can?