This morning as I ran my errands I listened to Your Attention Please, the full panel discussion from which some content in the Distributing the Future podcast I blogged about last week came from.
The whole panel discussion is about an hour long and includes Steve Gillmor, Glenn Reid, Doreé Duncan Seligmann, David Sifry and Linda Stone.
I highly recommend it. Linda Stone’s concept of “continuous partial attention” is very interesting and I plan on reading up more on the concept on Corante and Joi Ito’s blog and on O’Reilly.
I am employing continuous partial attention right now. I created this entry while we were on our morning scrum! And I listened to the discussion while running errands (going to the bank, getting a coffee, at the post office, walking around…)
Oh, in terms of attention.xml, this is something the David Sifry was talking about, and I have been reading a bit about attention trust and talking to to Kaliya Hamlin about this stuff too.