<p>A few years ago I discovered the first issue of [lk:readymademag|Ready Made Magazine]. I think i might have been at an Urban OUtfitters in south beach finding shelter from an afternoon rain shower. It was awesome! filled with home improvement projects and DIY crafts with a high design aesthetic. I subscribed, and with each issue i grew more and more dissapointed with the content. It became heavy on advertising for off the shelf products and craft kits, and many of the actual projects became unrealistic for an urban dweller like me. Not like i can build a [l:http://readymademag.com/feature_10_shack.php|zen cabin] in the back yard.<br />
Well monday night I was at my [l:http://kristineandrob.com/|friends'] house and saw [l:http://www.makezine.com|Make Magazine], a densely packed quarterly volume filled with awesome high and low tech projects. A popular science for the hacker generation. Check out the website and the blog, they look great. I think I know what I will be reading this winter when inches of snow are piling up outside!</p>
Forget Ready Made, Make is where it is at