<p>[l:http://feeds.feedburner.com/echoditto?m=253|EchoDitto Blog as a story this week about how a simple email list can be part of an egovernment solutioon]. In the example, a local councilperson asked people on a neighborhood email list about a traffic issue.</p>
<p>Michael Silberman (the blogger) pointed out that such a simple technology can have great value (and he seeming contrasted Rasiej's failed WeFixNYC.com which I have written about [gh:node/254|here].)</p>
<p>I am working on a local site for my apartment complex using Drupal and [lk:citizenspeak.org|CitizenSpeak] along with a few other modules to empower my fellow cooperators to contact the city and the management about issues of import to people living in my neighborhood. Not mo-ph-logging necessary. Just a connection to the internet and a desire to make our community a better place to live. I'll be launching the site, [lk:corlearshook.net|CorlearsHook.net] at the end of the month!</p>
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