<p>Jo Lee from [lk:citizenspeak.org|Citizen Speak] just put the CitizenSpeak development project (to redevelop Citizen Speak as a CivicSpace Module) on [lk:fundable.org|Fundable.Org].</p> <p>The idea is that if lots of people give many small donations towards the budget ($7000) we will be able to pay for it.</p> <p>So you can go to [l:https://www.fundable.org/groupactions/citizenspeaktocivicspace/groupaction_view|Fundable Citizen Speak Campaign]</p> <p>and make a $50 donation towards the cause.</p> <p>Here is more on citizen speak:<br /> <em>[Citizen speak] advocacy service that allows grassroots organizations to incorporate email campaigns into their communications strategies. With CitizenSpeak, organizations enable their members to email targeted decision-makers one-on-one messages with a single click. CitizenSpeak strengthens organizations' lobbying efforts by putting immediate pressure on decision-makers and by providing reports on participation.</em></p>
Citizen Speak Development project on fundable