Month: June 2005
Citizen Speak Fundraising campaign is almost there
<p>OK, I feel remiss that I haven't mentioned this earlier but I have been super Busy.</p> <p>here is the Deal, [|CitizenSpeak] = excellent<br /> I donated to the campaign to get the software rebuilt and ported to the drupal framework. Jo Lee is looking for a total of $1500 to pay a developer and she…
I am Not Alone: Newsday article on street fairs
<p>[via <a href="">BigBite.pdf (application/pdf Object)</a>]:</p> <p><cite></cite> </p><p>This is a PDF of an article that ran abotu 2 weeks ago in newsday. The article is a mixed bag in my crusade against street fairs. It seems that Manhattanites hate them (I am joined by Sue Goren, fellow NYU alum) and outerborough parents of small children love…
The Fall Will Be Further and Harder Than Ever Before
<p><cite>As Prime Minister Tony Blair has said, in this new economy, “Talent is the 21st century wealth.â€? If you’ve got the skills, you’ve got the education, and you have the opportunity to upgrade and improve both, you’ll be able to compete and win anywhere. If not, the fall will be further and harder than it…
More on themeing drupal civicspace
<p>Ian Ward over at [] just posted a good article with some [l:|tips on themeing].</p> <p>He makes a good point, read [l:|the documentation on theming.</p>
CivicSpace Virtual Skills Share Audio: Themes
<p>You can download the audio of the Skills Share call on<br /> <a href="" title="">…</a></p> <p><a href="" title="">…</a></p>
CivicSpace Virtual Skills Share IRC Log: Themes
<p>Attached is the chat log from the Civic Space Virtual Skills Share on Themes. My thoughts on the skills share, as well as the audio log are coming soon.</p> <table id="attachments" class="sticky-enabled"> <thead><tr><th>Attachment</th><th>Size</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"><td><a href="">civicspace_virt_20050614.html</a></td><td>73.08 KB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Making better
<p>I have talked about [] here before. I have noe been a part of two failed campaigns. Granted one of them was aborted by the organizer early on, but the other was fairly modest (20 people x $12 for some bumper stickers). I just received notice that the campaign didn't meet its goal. So…
e-Engagement Tools That Fit
<p>[via <a href="">Diablogue � e-Engagement Tools That Fit</a>]:</p> <p><cite></cite> </p><p>Thanks to [l:|Ed Batista] for pointing this littel diagram out.</p> <p>I think that it will be useful in working with clients to determine the right technology tools for their engagement goals.</p>
Living in a connected age: Thinking about by telecom infrastructure
<p>With my impending departure from the 9 to 5 office environment I have been thinking alot about my telecommunications infrastructure<br /> 1) Home Phone<br /> 2) Cell Phone<br /> 3) Cable Internet (with Wifi)<br /> 4) Aim<br /> 5) Skype (text, and I am getting a headset for voice)</p> <p>I just ordered a new Motorola…
CivicSpace Virtual Skills Shares
<p>I have been talking with a few CivicSpace folks about pulling together the virtual skills shares I discussed [l:?q=node/146|previously] on the blog.</p> <p>It looks like the first one will happen on the 14th or 15th.</p> <p>We are noe talking about how to best choose the first topic, how to evaluate the efficacy of these sessions,…