Tag: sharing economy
Share Vs. Rent
I am constantly surprised (and a little dismayed) when an article that is ostensibly about sharing, and the sharing economy talks about renting. This quote,”You could start to equalize standards of living if you allow people who have a lot of stuff to comfortably rent out things to people who don’t,” from Arun Sundararajan, and…
Share Vs Rent
I am constantly surprised (and a little dismayed) when an article that is ostensibly about sharing, and the sharing economy talks about renting. This quote,“You could start to equalize standards of living if you allow people who have a lot of stuff to comfortably rent out things to people who don’t,” from Arun Sundararajan, and…
Hey, FastCoExist, Paying for it, it’s not being shared
This kind of stuff pisses me off: It’s Time For The Sharing Economy To Become The Sharing Society Hey FastCoExist: when you pay for a good or service, it’s not sharing, its buying. You throw around the term “sharing economy” to denote anything that is not clearly the historic, formal economy we have known for decades…