In my work as a presentation and public speaking coach, I find myself bookmarking and sharing quite a few resources with my clients and students. I’ve assembled some of the most frequently shared ones here on this page.
Books on Presentation Design
This is a list of books that cover presentation design, public speaking, explanation and story craft
- The Art Of Explanation (Links to an external site.), Lee LeFever
- HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations Nancy Duarte
- Slide:ology . Here is a short video about the book by the author Nancy Duarte who worked with Al Gore to create the Inconvenient Truth presentation.
- Resonate , also by Duarte
- Good Charts, one of the best, most concise manuals on designing powerful carts for data visualization.
- Presentation Zen
- Beyond Bullet Points (How to craft stories and work out timings)
- Winning The Story Wars Jonah Sachs
Online Resources
- Resource Media’s Visual Story Lab– This website contains some great blog posts and resources specific to visual communication.
- How To Prepare To Speak At Ignite – Article about preparing to give an Ignite talk (short 5 minute talk with 20 slides)
- The Goodman Center : Why Bad Presentations Happen To Good Causes
- The Functional Art: Blog on the topic of data visualization and information graphics
- The Science of People: A research and training firm that focuses on body language
- Want a better pitch? Watch this. By Andy Raskin
- 7 tips to drastically improve your pronunciation in English: This blog post has a number of good resources including links to videos and podcasts to help non native American English speakers.
- How to Give A Killer Presentation, by Chris Anderson on HBR
- Nancy Duarte’s 4 part series on the HBR Blog
- 5 Secrets of a Successful TED Talk
- Turning Anxiety into Success: a cleaver mind hack to transmute anxiety into excitment
- Nancy Duarte: The Secret Structure Of Great Talks
- Nancy Duarte: How to Tell a Story (Links to an external site.)
- Nancy Duarte: Slide:ology Book Brief, video
- TED Talks “Before Public Speaking” playlist
- 7 Body Language Secrets
- Kurt Vonnegut on the Shape of Stories
- Shape of Stories Infographic
- Rachel’s English video series features specific pronunciation guidance
Data Related Resources
- Is That Chart Saying What You Think It’s Saying, HBR article on chart design
- The Trouble with the Purple Election Map, article about color and perception as it relates to election result maps, though there are lessons that apply to other types of information design. And while we are considering the deficiencies of election maps, here is another article about a different way to accurately visualized the data, Forget Red and Blue, the most accurate map of US voters is Purple.
- A big list of data visualization tools
- is a chart creation tool
- a chart creation tool
- you to create html compatible charts for use on the web.
- Tableau is a powerful data visualization software package that offers an academic license
- WeAreColorBlind While not solely relating to data, this resource offers information about colorblindness and web design which can help you identify potential problems with your charts, or other design elements of presentations.
- Color Wheel/Palette Tools: There are many online color palette generator tools, but I like the simplicity of this one because it is very transparent about how it employs color theory
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