Author: gregoryheller
Creating An SEO Strategy, Part 3: Code – Your Markup
In Part II of Creating An SEO Strategy, Ron focused on content and keywords. But there is more to content than just the keywords. The markup and code underneath can make your content even more attractive to search engines and help your visitors find what they are looking for faster.
Things shaping up around here
<p>Over the past few weeks, in fits and starts, I have made some updates to this site. The goal is not so much to generate new content here at, but rather to aggregate all the content I create on other sites. So you will see lots of lists of content coming in from places…
Acquia Announces Hosted Solr Search Product
During our retreat in Playa Del Carmen MEX over the summer, Jacob Singh (now a CivicActions Alumnus, Class of 2008) showed and explained to me a project he was working on to create a hosted Solr Search service for Drupal. Solr (via the Solr Integration module written and maintained by Robert Douglas) provides a method…
CivicActions Silver Sponsor DrupalCon DC 2009
CivicActions is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of the next North American DrupalCon in Washington DC, March 2009.
Social Media & Election Monitoring
It goes without saying that we at CivicActions have been watching the presidential race with a passion that borders on addiction. We have also been excited by recent developments and new uses of technology in the service of civic engagement (which was, in part, what our company was founded on 4 years ago).
Net2 ThinkTank: Key Questions To Ask When Considering Social Media Training & Experimentation
Amy Sample Ward at NetSquared posted the following question for the Net2ThinkTank: What are the key questions nonprofit orgs should ask to help them determine how to prioritize social media training and experimentation as they do their technology and organization-strengthening planning? I provide Social Media Training and Coaching to our clients. While there are many…
Blog Action Day: Free Software & Poverty
What does Free Software have to do with ending poverty? More than you probably think. It is not just at the core of consumer products like the Android loaded G1 phone from HTC, or the One Laptop Per Child XO. Linux operating systems like Ubuntu are deployed by community technology centers around the globe providing…
Why And How Your Organization Can Jump Into The Twitterverse
During a recent client meeting, I had the opportunity to explain Twitter to an organization with very little social media experience. I think my explanation may be of use to others who are just starting to consider using Twitter or other micro-blogging platforms (though I would argue that Twitter is where the people are and…
Air Desktop Client for Utterli
<p>this is pretty neat. would be great if it could do audio and video!<a target="_new" href="">Mobile post</a> sent by <a target="_new" href="">gregoryheller</a> using <a target="_new" href="">Utterli</a>. <a target="_new" href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="reply-count" /></a> <a target="_new" href="">Replies</a>.</p>
BADCamp: CivicActions Sponsors Bay Area DrupalCamp 2008
CiviActions is a proud sponsor of the upcoming BADCamp (Bay Area DrupalCamp) in Berkeley the weekend of October 10th and 11th. As I’ve said before, CivicActions is really excited to help make these events happen with our sponsorship and our team’s participation. DrupalCamps are a great opportunity for folks to learn more about Drupal, organize…