Author: gregoryheller
Free Tools To Set Up Your Listening Strategy
On Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 (tomorrow) I’ll be giving a lightening talk at Seattle NetTuesday on free tools that nonprofit organizations can use to develope and execute a listening strategy to enhance their use of social media and the web.
CivicActions Bookmarks on Delicious
Last year I wrote about how an organization could aggregate shared bookmarks from multiple people and present them on their website. In the recent redeisgn of we implemented this functionality. You can see the shared bookmarks feed in the center column at the bottom of the home page, or you can look at a…
Facebook Tip: Add a Tab With Custom HTML To Your Page or Profile
Recently a client asked if there was a way to add some custom HTML to a Facebook “Page”. I did a little research and found the My Info application and some handy instructions for adding it to your page, rather than your profile.
What Features Are Essential for Small Business and Nonprofit Organization Websites
Recently Acquia solicited some feedback from us about what kind of features we though would be useful to small businesses for their upcoming product, code named “Acquia Gardens”. While we typically only work with small businesses with a social mission, we often do hear from businesses looking for web development work.
My Ignite Seattle Presentation On Green Cabs
On August 3rd I presented on the topic of Green Taxi Cabs at Ignite Seattle. <img src="" /><em>Photo courtesy of Randy Stewart, Stewtopia on Flickr</em> Here is my slide deck, when the video becomes available i will post that too. <div style="width:425px;text-align:left" id="__ss_1809954"><a style="font:14px Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;display:block;margin:12px 0 3px 0;text-decoration:underline;" href="" title="What Makes A Green Cab">What Makes…
What Does the Yahoo!/Microsoft Search (Bing) Deal Mean For NPOs and NGOs
If you haven’t heard yet, Microsoft and Yahoo! have inked a 10 year deal to partner on search and advertising. You can learn more about the details of the deal, which I won’t go into here. If the deal is approved by regulators, we could see changes in Yahoo and Bing search and advertising early…
Going to Gnomedex This Year
<p>This year, for the first time since I have been in Seattle, I plan to attend <a href="">Gnomedex</a>. Unlike so many other conferences that force you to choose between sessions, adn then sometimes you can't even squeeze into the session you want, Gnomedex is a single track conference. Only one speaker at a time. ANd…
Capitol Hill Community Garage Sale Saturday June 13th
<p>This Saturday, June 13th, <a href="">Capitol Hill Seattle Blog</a> and <a href="">Sustainable Capitol Hill</a> are teaming up to put on the "<a href="">Capitol Hill Community Garage Sale</a>" which is a fantastic idea, IMO. Coming from NYC, the idea of yard sales and Garage sales had become pretty alien to me. It seems that every weekend…
- Reaches Goal For Wiser Earth API
Just about a month ago I returned from the NTEN NTC in San Francisco where I had the opportunity to talk with Peggy Duvette, Angus Parker of WiserEarth and Leif Utne of Zanby and organizing force behind Open Wiser. I then blogged about the OpenWiser fundraising drive to raise $10,000 to build an open API…
I moved, again, back to Capitol Hill in Seattle
<p>I recently move from Fremont back to Capitol Hill in Seattle, to a nice old house (over 100 years!) which is a nice change from living in a relatively new townhouse. There's more character. If you need my address, then you probably know how to get in touch with me, so do that, and I'll…