In the spirit of #trypod, the industry promotion to get more people to listen to podcasts, here are my recommendations. I will group them into two loose categories, 1) news and information, 2) entertainment
News & Information
- Planet Money (NPR) – I’ve been listening since the beginning. About the economy and business.
- NPR Politics (NPR)
- Freakonomic Radio (NPR/WNYC)
- Think again from Big Think – thought leaders
- James Altuscher Show – interesting guests and he is a good interviewer
- Startup (Gimlet) – deep info-tainment reporting on startups (not a “news” program, they go deep into a startupeach season while also chronicling their own startup experience)
- Reply All (Gimlet) funny, a show “about the internet”
- Hidden Brain (NPR) – you’ve probably heard segments on NPR, interesting stories about human nature and brain science
- Pivot Podcast – the author of Pivot, Jenny Blake. Some good episodes, but sometimes they are a bit long winded
- How I built this (NPR) feature length interviews with people who have created things (like companies, just listened to the episode about the founder of southwest)
- Twice Removed (gimlet) a show by AJ Jacobs that delves into geneology
- The Eater Upsell – about the food/restaurant industry
- Invisibilia
The podcasts I listen to fall into two other categories: 1) those i listen to every episode of, and 2) those I listen to sporadically.
I listen to nearly every episode of Planet Money, Hidden Brain, Reply All, StartUp. All the others, I pick and choose, or used to listen to each episode and am now more selective, or have just started listening to and am not sure that I will listen to each episode.
When deciding on episodes to listen to, I often use episode length as an important deciding factor. I want to be able to listen to the entire episode at once, and usually my listening time is on my commute home (~25 ~ 45 minutes) or while running errands alone on the weekend (45~60 minutes).