I’ve previously written about how organizations can start Tweeting, and last week found a great primer on using Twitter for Activism. The DigiActive Guide to Twitter for Activism is a concise and informative guide that any organization looking to evaluate or deploy a Twitter strategy should read. While it is geared towards activism I think that most non profits would find it helpful.
With Oprah’s recent foray onto Twitter, and the rise of Celbritweets (celebrities who tweet) and the increasing numbers of Twitter users, some hardcore early adopters have suggested that Twitter has jumped the shark. While it may no longer be what it was to that group of users, the mainstreaming of Twitter offers an opportunity for organizations to reach beyond early adopters and technology industry people directly to the existing as well as new constituencies.
Before making the foray into the Twitterverse, its a good idea to engage is some strategy and planning. Twitter itself is simply a technology, and without strategy and planning, it may not reap any rewards for your organization.