For many years now I (and then CivicActions) have been a member of NTEN (The Nonprofit Technology Entrepreneurs Network). Every year NTEN runs the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) an event that brings together NPTech providers and non profits. It is a wonderful opportunity for non profit technologists working inside organizations to learn from each other, consultants, and vendors about the latest technologies, techniques and trends.
This year, the NTC will be in San Francisco which affords us a wonderful opportunity to send a number of our team members without the costs associated with travel and hotel. We’ve decided to take the money we’d likely have spent if the event were in any other city and donate it to the NTEN NTC Scholarship Fund. The fund is designed to help cash-strapped non profit organizations afford to attend the conference.
With our donation, and those of many organizations, companies and individuals, combined with a generous matching grant from Convio, NTEN is close to its goal. Help out with a donation today. NTEN is accepting not only cash, but also airline miles, so if you’ve got alot of those, consider donating some!
And if you are not already planning to attend the NTC, check out the website, and register. The networking and sessions are well worth it.