Smashing Magazine posted a really great “best practices” piece about web design for non profits.
They then provided 20 examples of great non profit websites, among them, two CivicActions clients, Amnesty International, of which they said:
The Amnesty International site makes great use of color, including a bright yellow header and accents mixed with shades of gray and black. A slideshow on the home page shows current news and research. Links to join, donate, or take other action are featured prominently in the sidebar and a link to media information is included in the header. The home page also includes plenty of current news and resources below the main content up top.
And, for whom we built the Video Hub.
We are very proud of our work for these two worldchanging clients, and happy that they are being recognized not only for their great work, but for their websites as exemplars for the non profit sector.
If you work for a non profit organization, or build webistes for one, you should definitely read the Smashing Magazine article for all the details.
As a teaser, their tips include:
- Make Your Site Donor-Friendly
- Make Your Site Media-Friendly
- Make Your Site Volunteer-Friendly
- Make Sure Your Organization’s Purpose is Immediately Apparent
- Make Sure Your Content Takes Center Stage
- Make Sure Your Website is Consistent with Your Other Promotional Materials
- Know Your Site’s Purpose Up Front
- Include a News Section or Blog