<p>One of the things I do for <a href="http://civicactions.com">CivicActions</a> is run the marketing group. Aside from marketing CivicActionn via our blog, twitter, conference attendance, and other events, I also help our clients with social media strategy, listending campaigns and content strategy. I'm also an <a href="http://seomoz.com">SEOMoz Pro</a> member, and just heard about the Inbound Marketing University program they are involved in. I signed up. and in about 3 weeks I'll be attending this free, online, 10 session training.<br />
<a href="http://www.inboundmarketing.com/university"><img src="http://inboundmarketing.com/sites/default/files/imu_atnd125x125.gif" height="125" width="125" border="0" alt="Attending IMU" /></a></p>
I'm Attending Inbound Marketing University in June