<p>I recently move from Fremont back to Capitol Hill in Seattle, to a nice old house (over 100 years!) which is a nice change from living in a relatively new townhouse. There's more character. If you need my address, then you probably know how to get in touch with me, so do that, and I'll send it to you.</p>
<p>I'm excited to be back on the hill, close to many friends, the farmers market, and many cafe's and restaurants. I also look forward to re-engaging with <a href="http://sustainablecapitolhill.org">Sustainable Capitol Hill</a>.</p>
<p>If you are in Seattle, we will be participating in the <a href="http://capitolhillgaragesale.com">Capitol Hill Garage Sale</a> on June 13th. So drop by and buy a book or get something we're giving away free because we don't want it anymore. There will be lots of good stuff.</p>
I moved, again, back to Capitol Hill in Seattle