Earlier this weekDrupalCamp Vancouver Sessions were announced and 2 by CivicActioners were among them. Robin’s session on “Introduction To Module Development” will be on Friday and 2pm. I heard Robin give a this talk for Six Hour Startup folks a few weeks ago, and even though I am no developer, it sounded great and others seemed to benefit from it.
I submitted 2 sessions which both got accepted: “Your Intro To Panels 2” will be a fast paced fun tour of Panels2 based on my recent experiences with this amazing module. And What the Hell Is Information Architecture and Why Should I Care?” will build on presentations by Owen Barton, me and Zoey Kroll at the last two DrupalCons. In this session we’ll discuss basic IA deliverables and why/how you can and should do IA before you start building your website.
In addition to Robin and me, Jared Stoneberg (a fellow Seattle DUG member) who has been working with CivicActions on the Evolver Exchange will also be heading up to Vancouver for the camp.
CivicActions is happy to be a sponsor of DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008. We are also sponsoring DrupalCamp Portland 2008 (happening on May 10th, so we won’t be attending, unfortunately) and the upcoming DrupalCamp Seattle 2008 at the end of June.