by gregoryheller | Mar 15, 2006 | Uncategorized
<p>They call Seattle the Emerald City (or something like that i think..) And it is pretty nice, the lakes, the Cherry Blossoms, the mountains, the sound…. But the traffic! the horrible and inexplicable traffic jams on the awful highways! There are two major highways that run through the city, the 5 and 99. I have gotten stuck in traffic on the 5 at the most bizarre times! 2 pm on a saturday heading sounth bound just south of down town. 11:15 am heading north bound on a sunday just north of down town, and then at 1:45pm the same sunday south bound just south of downtown.</p> <p>There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the timing of the traffic jams, but any one with an ounce of sense could explain that all the lane changes, the left hand exits and entraces, the entrances that require a driver to immediately cross 2 or more lanes if they want to stay on the highway they just got on might have something to do with it!</p> <p>I don't think that I have take a single trip on the highways without seeing at least 1 breakdown or accident (usually a rear end collision) in the...
by gregoryheller | Mar 15, 2006 | Uncategorized
I found this site which has a nifty carbon calculator that walks you through a bunch of questions and tells you hoe many pounds of CO2 you are responsible for while looking at, a pretty cool drupal site by the guys over at Lullabot that aims to connect people with actions/activism through offline activities related to movies (like Syriana and others). Back to the carbon calculator, by my estimates I am responsible for over 6 tons of CO2 emissions each year because of my air travel. I recently read about bio jet fuel on which first clued me into the huge carbon footprint my air travel contributes too. An average transcontinental flight creates a half ton of CO2 for each passenger! Guess I better fire up the the bio bus and hit the...
by gregoryheller | Mar 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
If you are interested in Drupal, CivicSpace, CiviCRM and in seattle for NTEN NTC or Penguin Day, or just in town, please join us for dinner at the Pike Pub And Brewery. Please RSVP on Upcoming
by gregoryheller | Mar 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
Just saw this on the Politicker. My favorite Congressman, Anthony Weiner is a good guy. Leasing one of hte cheapest cars on the Federal dime. See the complete list of congressional car...
by gregoryheller | Mar 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
NYT ran this article about NY’s Silicon Valley. The salient points were something like this: tehse second wave companies are frugal, they are not taking VC, they are managing growth. The best line from the piece was this A lot could go wrong to derail the momentum of New York’s technology scene. Advertising spending could drop. A shortage of talented programmers could slow the speed of development… That last line is...
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