<p>I have been reading here and there about <a href="http://del.icio.us" title="http://del.icio.us">http://del.icio.us</a> but couldn't really get my head around it from the little i had read–until today, that is. <a href="Http://del.icio.us" title="Http://del.icio.us">Http://del.icio.us</a> is social networking software for links. You add your inkls or bookmarks to your account at del.icio.us and you "tag" them. Your l;inks becmoe organized by these tags, and you can share them with others. you can subscribe to other users links pages, etc, etc…</p> <p>I feel that you need to really use it to understand it, but it has a tremendous utility for organizations to share bookmarks within the organization, and even with their members.</p> <p>Gideon Rosenblatt has been writing a bit about it here <a href="http://blogs.onenw.org/gideon/archives/001817.html" title="http://blogs.onenw.org/gideon/archives/001817.html">http://blogs.onenw.org/gideon/archives/001817.html</a></p> <p>my del.icio.us page (bookmarks) can be viewed here<br /> <a href="http://del.icio.us/GregoryHeller" title="http://del.icio.us/GregoryHeller">http://del.icio.us/GregoryHeller</a></p>