<p>OK, I feel remiss that I haven't mentioned this earlier but I have been super Busy.</p> <p>here is the Deal, [lk:citizenspeak.org|CitizenSpeak] = excellent<br /> I donated to the campaign to get the software rebuilt and ported to the drupal framework. Jo Lee is looking for a total of $1500 to pay a developer and she is now only $200 from the goal. </p> <p>Please consider making a donation.</p> <p>Here is the original message from Jo Lee:<br /> <cite><br /> For the past three years, CitizenSpeak has enabled grassroots organizations and individual activists to launch free MoveOn-like email campaigns across the US. Now CitizenSpeak needs your help. CitizenSpeak is seeking $1500 for a much needed systems upgrade to lower maintenance costs and support new services.</cite></p> <p><cite>Please help support this project by making a Tax-Deductible donation by going to <a href="http://tinyurl.com/dtnwj" title="http://tinyurl.com/dtnwj">http://tinyurl.com/dtnwj</a><br /> </cite><br /> <cite>In return for your donation, CitizenSpeak will publish its source code as an open source Drupal/CivicSpace module.</cite></p> <p><cite>To learn more about CitizenSpeak, please visit <a href="http://www.citizenspeak.org" title="http://www.citizenspeak.org">http://www.citizenspeak.org</a>, and/or add your comments at the wiki for this project – <a href="http://www.gnerd.net:2500/citizenspeak/show/HomePage" title="http://www.gnerd.net:2500/citizenspeak/show/HomePage">http://www.gnerd.net:2500/citizenspeak/show/HomePage</a>.<br /> </cite><br /> <cite>If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jo Lee at +1.401.338.5445 or jo_lee _at_ citizenspeak _dot_ org<br /> </cite></p>
Citizen Speak Fundraising campaign is almost there