Month: December 2005
Can Rocketboom Shake up broadcasting?
The NYT ran this article over the weekend about Rocketboom the pioneering daily video log which is now positioned to be a perfect video download to the new video ipod. As the article reports, with about 100k viewerd, rocketboom could be making big money selling adversing. The video is only a few minutes long and…
Yahoo is so Web2.0
As I was riding the subway in my Santacon, I was reading the NYT Business section, and there, before my eyes was an article proclaiming that was purchased by Yahoo!? Hopefully this will mean good things for one of my favorite web2.0 sites, but there is a sinking feeling that came with the news.…
Heavy Metal Jacket
<p>As some of you know, I am pretty fascinated with teh things you can do with shipping containers. I myself have one that is used for storage. I would love to mae a minimalist cabine with a few somewhere in the woods. Perhaps a combination [gh:node/266|cob house] shipping container house… Anyway, last week's NYT ran…
Corrections and comments
<p>Figured i would point out a comment i made over on the Village Voice Blog [l:|correcting a post about campaign spending in the CCM2 (Rosie Mendez) race].</p> <p>Also [l:|commented on a similar post over at the Politicker]</p> <p>Lastly a plug for Amanda Hickman who is [|guest blogging over at the Drum Major Institute] about technology…
"There is a virtue we believe in…"
<p>Last night I attended a gala fundraising dinner for Elliot Spitzer's run for governor. The room was packed, the event raised over $5 million! But what was really apparent is that Elliot is a great speaker. </p> <p>I am not sure that any politicians today will turn phrases that politicians 50 or 100 or 150…
Washington Post makes Congressional voting records available via RSS
Props to Scott Trudeau for IMing me
Grumblings about the Do Not Call list and political solicitations
If I had a dollar for everytime a voter got angry with me for calling them about an election and said “I am reporting you, we are on the do not call list!” I would have a few bucks (probably more if I put in more time on the phones 😉 I saw this letter…
Not a big fan of outdoor adverts, but…
<p>[|Noel] pointed me to [|] and there are some great examples of really creative "ambient" advertising.</p> <p>[l:|This one is brilliant]<br /> <img src="" /></p>
I’m a Scrum Master!
As of 5pm Friday, I received my certification as a Scrum Master. What’s that? Well Scrum is a form of project management that focuses on self managing groups and agile/iterative development. Read more about Scrum.
Henri Poole and Mike Gifford Talk About Open Business Models
While at the Web Of Change conference in September of 2005 I spent a fair amount of time talking to Mike Gifford of Open Concept Consulting about CivicActions and our business model and how it can be a model for new open source web development consultancies. Upon our returns to the real world, Mike wrote…