It was a whirlwind 2 days for me on the fundraising circuit! On Tuesday morning I attended the annual Bike To Work Breakfast of the Cascade Bicycle Club in Seattle. CBC has over seven thousand members and the turnout for the breakfast was impressive with something like 400 people there including Seattle’s Mayor Greg Nichols and King County Executive Ron Sims. The bike club does some great work advocating for bike facilities in buildings and on the roads as well as educating kids about bike safety (and adults too!).
Then, Tuesday evening I went to the King County Conservation Voters Benefit Auction where Hope and I won a few items in the silent auction. Unfortunately we had to leave early to catch a plane to DC for the National League of Conservation Voters dinner on Wednesday and could not really participate in the live auction.
The National LCV dinner was really great. I sat with Theresa Keaveny, the Executive Director of the Montana Conservation Voters (one of our clients), Chris Ford of Tennessee Conservation Voters, Cormac Flynn and Hope Rippeon of the Federation of State Conservation Voter Leagues and a few others.
A testament to the power of the LCV and the leagues in general was the turn out of elected officials. It was really great to see Speaker Nancy Pelosi who rushed over from the House Floor between votes to address the dinner. She made very strong commitments to working in a bipartisan manner to address the challenges of climate change and fossil fuel dependence.
The LCV launched a new website recently to call attention to the issue of climate change and make is a part of the 08 presidential primaries: along with a video narrated by Robert Redford.
Freshman Senator John Tester also spoke, with conviction, about his commitment to the environment, not only as the Senator from Montana, but as an organic farmer from that state.
I encourage everyone to find the Conservation Voter League in their state (click on the map) and join. The leagues are doing great work to hold politicians accountable and lobby for laws that protect our environment. This is one of the most important issues facing the world today, and the leagues are doing great work engaging the political system and creating real change.